Here’s my ‘Best of’ 2014 fashion photography blog – it’s been quite a year!
I have had THE most fantastic time working with my team and also working with some new fashion designers and models. Working for Lamb 1887 is always a pleasure, and I’ve been fortunate enough to bag (like what I did there?!) two fashion shoots covering their Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter collections for 2014.
Working at the grand Hazlewood Castle for Lamb 1887’s The Cote D’Azur Collection was just one of the many highlights of this past year. MUA and close friend Anna Stephenson was a wonderful member of the team (as always) and her work is integral to the overall look of the shoot – classically beautiful, as I’m sure you’ll agree. I also worked at a studio in Leeds City Centre for The Duchess Collection with the beautiful Jazmine Darson and amazing fashion designer and stylist Agnieszka Galat-Bracken. This shoot was also featured on the front cover of online accessories magazine Attire – MY FIRST FRONT COVER?! – and further photography was featured later on in the magazine.
This past year has also been a fantastic one for test shoots collaborating with creative MUA Anna Stephenson and assistant photographer/wife Leanne Rodgers. I absolutely love test shoots as it gives me an opportunity to be truly creative and flexible with my ideas and I have learnt so much from them. From the one where we used an abandoned car park in the middle of the night (sorry Ross!) to the one way out in the countryside with 25 helium balloons and candy floss hair – each has been individual and brilliant in its own right. I look forward to working on many more projects in 2015! Keep your eyes peeled…
We are looking for more people to collaborate with in 2015. If you are a model, stylist, designer or think you would like to be involved in anyway please get in touch!
CJRodgers Photography – Yorkshire Fashion Photographer
Craig is a Wedding and Fashion Photographer working throughout Yorkshire and the UK.
If you have a project you would like to discuss please contact us
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